
Agglomerated cork rolls

Η αυτοκόλλητη στρώση είναι κατάλληλη μόνο για κόλληση λείων, επίπεδων, καθαρών και χωρίς σκόνη επιφανειών (π.χ. γυψοσανίδες ή πάνελ επίπλων).
Agglomerated cork roll is a popular and versatile natural Portuguese cork product. The roll of ground cork is formed in a multistage process of combining natural cork aggregate with a polyurethane adhesive.

High Quality Cork Roll from Portugal is very dense, flexible and resistant.

Cork roll is offered in widths of 95, 100, 120, 130, 140 and 150cm, a thickness of 0.5 to 10 mm and in two grain sizes: fine and medium. By optimal selection of the respective cork granules and binder agglomerates of varying density, hardness, flexibility and compression strength are obtained.

- grain size: 1-2 mm (medium)
- density:> 260 kg/m3
- thermal conductivity: 0,045 W/mK
- combustibility: euroklasse E
- tensile strength: > 400 kPa
- compressibility: 15-30%
- compression: 20-40%
- flexible return: > 75%
- dimensional stability: under 0,5%
- capillarity: no

These parameters combined with a wide range of thicknesses and formats of cork sheets provide a precise fit for specific applications in a variety of uses:

B u i l d i n gI n d u s t r y
acoustic and thermal insulationcomposites with alu, carbon, glass fibre
floor and wall cork coveringsgaskets, technical seals, protective spacers
vibration insulation of buildingsvibration insulation equipment
A u t o m o t i v eA d v e r t i s i n g
rubber-cork gasketsprint advertising directly on cork
technical cork sealsadvertising stands and pads
solid cork for motorcycle clutchescork boards and display cases
F u r n i t u r eD e c o r a t i o n
production of office furnituredecorative wall cork
components for chairs and armchairssolid design cork
walls and furniture for employeesleather accessories and cork clothing
F o o t w e a rM o d e l l i n g
cork shoe soles and heelscork railway track beds
natural cork shoes and sandalsbuilding architectural models to scale
agglomerated and solid cork footbedscork for children's toys and board games
orthopaedic footwear componentscork pads for musical instruments
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